What did you do today?
Hearing of someone getting property always puts a smile on my face Smile. Congratulations Alicia!!!
I loaded the goats up and drove them to one of our fields about a mile from home. I needed to trim up a scrub elm tree next to one of the fields. I took the 3 weathers plus the 2 does. Joules is in heat. I should have known better. She has hiked all over the farm with me for the past 2 1/2 years and knew exactly where she was. She'd run to the top of the hill in the direction of home and scream for the other goats to follow. They'd all run to her, except Fuzzy (what a good girl!), and then I'd call "Come Goats!" and everyone would come running back to me which meant Joules was alone so she'd decide to run back to me. I got about half of the tree trimmed up and decided to load the goats up and head home. Tomorrow only the weathers will go with me to finish the job! Big Grin
Goatberries Happen!
Stretched a tarp over a very soggy buck pen. The rain came before the tin for the roof, hoping the tin will be here next week.

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Thank u everyone for the congrats. Nanno ur goats sound too funny. Today I was watching my 3 year old wether, Hoyt put the moves on our doe Bambi. Thinkin she's back in heat. Its too funny...Hoyt is so much bigger and he spends most of the time chasing her with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Lol.
So, i am attempting Dehorning my "baby" goats using castrating bands. I just got them today, and will keep you all posted on their progress. Smile I should have dehorned them when they were little Sad
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I got my stuff out to milk, let Nubbin and Petunia onto the patio, then turned my back for two seconds to plop down Cuzco's mush bucket and this is what I turned back around to:

Who me???

No, probably not you, Nubbin. I should have known better. I usually am very diligent to tie up Petunia any time I have the teat wipes out because given the chance she will make a beeline for them, grab the top one and then yank a huge train of wipes out of the bucket. She doesn't eat them. There's just something about the action of pulling them out of the tub that Petunia cannot resist. Great job, Petunia. Over a week's worth of wipes for two goats wasted in about two seconds. Dodgy
I had an unusual day today. First I got a call from a friend whose pig was sick and she needed help loading the it in her truck to go to the vet. I have never tried to load a pig in a truck. The only way to get it up there was to back the truck up to the front porch steps. The problem was that there was no way to get the pig up on the porch without bringing her in the back door and through the house. The pig was uncooperative at first but eventually we were able to get her to her feet, and with a lot of poking and prodding, pushing and shooing, we managed to get her to the back door of the house. I envisioned this pig going berserk and rampaging all over the house while we desperately tried to herd her out the door. Thankfully nothing like this happened and the pig walked into the truck without a fuss.

Mission accomplished, I headed home. My goats had been contentedly grazing in our field when I left, so I was surprised to see all five girls and Pac-Man milling around my neighbor's goat pen a short while later as I was on my way home. My neighbors don't live all that close to me, so my goats must have been on a mission. Turns out Lilly was on a mission: a mission of love. She was in heat today, and I guess she decided that Pac-Man wasn't man enough for her, and she's not remotely interested in any of our bucklings, so she went to the neighbor's buck pen. Naturally all my other goats followed Lilly (except Cuzco--he was snoozing happily in the pasture when I got home, glad for some peace and quiet I think). So now I had to figure out how to get six goats back home. I had some baling twine in the truck and I cornered Lilly first. She bolted when she saw me coming. She knew exactly what I was up to and she wasn't ready to go home yet! But I grabbed her, forced her into the truck, and tied her there. The rest came fairly easily after that and somehow I managed to cram all six goats into the truck bed. I didn't have enough twine to tie them all, so I tied the three most likely to jump out. Somehow it worked and I got everyone back in one load. Lilly tried to escape again as soon as I untied her, so after a mad chase I ran her down and hauled her off to the lockup. Hopefully Lilly did not get bred down there. I do NOT want any little Boer crosses! Luckily there was a fence between my goats and theirs and I don't think they had quite enough time to get serious.
"I usually am very diligent to tie up Petunia any time I have the teat wipes out because given the chance she will make a beeline for them, grab the top one and then yank a huge train of wipes out of the bucket. She doesn't eat them. There's just something about the action of pulling them out of the tub that Petunia cannot resist. Great job, Petunia. Over a week's worth of wipes for two goats wasted in about two seconds."

I have that problem with ANY paper with Joules. She is so fast it happens in the blink of an eye! I have to laugh in spite of it. Goats are so entertaining!
Goatberries Happen!
I've been visiting with these cute little guys SmileSleepy

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