Goat-O-Rama Kids of 2017
I'm so sorry. That's very sad Nanno Sad. Cuzco will be looking out for the little one though ...
Happiness is a baby goat snoring in your lap
Thanks for your condolences everyone. We're all pretty sad around here. He was a beautiful boy. But we're glad our Tigerlily is ok. She's retaining her placenta but I gave her a shot of lutalyse and she'll be on penicillin for a while so hopefully this resolves without trouble so she can bounce back. She's going to be sore for a while, and there's no baby to give her something else to focus on, but she's a big strong doe with a personality to match. I'm pretty sure she'll be fine in a few days.
While my in-laws were in town, we had a baby goat party on the couch while we watched the movie, Artois the Goat
Baby goats on the lap is MUCH better than popcorn while watching a movie!
Goatberries Happen!
Aw ... look at those ears
Happiness is a baby goat snoring in your lap
(05-30-2017, 03:02 PM)Taffy Wrote: Baby goats on the lap is MUCH better than popcorn while watching a movie!

We had a double bonus--we had baby goats AND popcorn! You just really can't top that!
Well, it's been a very long and busy week around here. Tigerlily hardly ate for a week (luckily she had enough "padding" to afford it), but two days ago she finally went out with the herd and started browsing. She's was on penicillin twice a day for eight days and no nasty discharge. Phew! And just as I thought she was home free, last night the right side of her udder was hot, swollen, and lumpy. GAH!! So I milked her out, treated her with an antibiotic teat infusion last night and this morning, and have done massage and hot compresses. Her milk was drying up while she wasn't eating, but I guess going out to graze stimulated production and then came mastitis. Poor thing. However, this morning her temperature was normal for the first time in a week and her udder was softer and no longer hot and inflamed. Hopefully she'll clear up, dry up, and be fine by the time we leave for the Rendezvous. 

I didn't post many photos from my in-laws' visit. We had a great time with the baby goats while they were here. Phil's mother, Lois, bonded with Sox on the "rox". 

When family and friends visit, there are plenty of babies to go around! 

My dad got goated! "Get him, Tornado!" 

My dad doesn't hold baby goats, so I made sure he at least got a few kisses. 

My mom was in love with little Coral and kept singing "White coral bells upon a slender stalk..." 
After Tigerlily lost her baby, Phil's dad Jim spent much of the next day with her. He petted her, talked to her, comforted her, offered her treats, and just generally kept her company. She appreciated it. It was a hard day for everyone.   

Phil and Jim and I took turns holding two of Nubbin's babies on the back porch that afternoon. Jim bonded with Tornado while Phil and I took turns holding Storm

Storm is the friendliest and most curious of all our kids this year.


After Jim and Lois left, Phil and I brought ALL THREE of Nubbin's kids in for a movie two nights in a row! Here I am entertaining them in my snazzy Darth Vader pajamas. They were good boys and mostly just went to sleep in a pile between us while Phil and I ate popcorn.  
ALL the babies are old enough to go for walks with the big goats now! Altogether we've got sixteen wild and wooly goats charging around us like racehorses. That's a lot of flapping ears! 

Nubbin's kids are starting to hold their own with their big, rowdy older cousins. 

Nubbin's crew had their first walk this past weekend. 

I think they had fun. "Fly Tornado! Fly!" 
Great pics Nanno.  Nubbin's got a lovely udder. I can see the family resemblance in both goats and people Smile  Love the photo of Nubbin's kids' first walk. Long ears and long legs! Looks like the weather's pretty good? Smile  I'm so glad Tigerlily is on the mend - what a relief!
Happiness is a baby goat snoring in your lap

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