Goat-O-Rama Kids of 2019
The other day there was a mysterious package in the mail addressed to Buster Brown. I opened it up and found a small goat bell from Phil's Uncle Steve and Aunt Marianne! We let Buster Brown wear the bell for our daily walk that evening before putting it away for safekeeping. He looks very proud of it!
I'm happy but also very sad because today we said goodbye to Buster Brown. He went to his new home in Wyoming to be with his old pals Yeti and Thor. I did not originally plan to sell Buster Brown, but last month I got a call from Cameron who bought TinCup's kids in August. He originally had two bottle babies that he'd bought before he got Yeti and Thor, but one of them was always a bit poorly and never seemed to really grow or thrive. His name was Brownie and in September little Brownie died. Cameron wanted a fourth goat and wondered if I had anything else available. Well, my baby's name was Brownie too and it just fit. I always said that if I didn't keep Brownie he would have to go to a very special home, and I think Cameron's home is just the right kind, especially since he'll be back with his old pals. 

Phil and I took Brownie and Cupcake for a last walk together yesterday. We decided to go to Lake Beckwith. We had a great time.  
It's been way too long since I've posted an update on our kids. Cupcake and Snowball were going to go to a new home with the lady who bought Penny and Blackbird earlier this year, but the lady changed her mind and decided she wanted boys instead. So I've still got the girls and I couldn't be happier about Snowball staying with us. She's turning out so lovely I don't think I want to sell her at all any more. Cupcake is going to a new home with a couple of the older girls in another week or two. They were supposed to leave a while back, but I've had trouble coordinating with the buyer. Mocha is going to stay here. She and Snowball have gotten to be good friends. 

A friend of mine took this photo while I was in Utah. Buster Brown and Cupcake were such good buddies. I couldn't believe these two were still so bonded even at five months old. Usually by that age, brothers and sisters stop getting along very well because the brothers get too pushy. But Brownie was such a gentle little guy that he didn't even boss his sister. 

Although they are not related, Cupcake has turned out to look an awful lot like Nubbin. She's got that beautiful red-bay coat and the white frosted ears and nose and the same white dot on her forehead. Cupcake has more white on her sides than Nubbin though.

Snowball is one of the most beautiful kids we've ever had here. A roan pattern has popped out from her white coat and it's absolutely stunning and very unusual. She has the sweetest smile accentuated by her black lips, and just like her mother, Tigerlily, she looks like she's wearing eyeliner. She's still as soft as dandelion fluff and her personality is as sweet as her looks. I'm so glad we're keeping her! 

Mocha is the go-getter of the group. She is a very athletic and adventuresome little goat and she will do anything for treats! Small as she is, she can easily jump higher than 3 feet! I love these "levitating goat" photos Phil got. 
Snowball has turned out to be the biggest, the prettiest, the softest, and certainly the most photogenic baby of 2019. Her pure white baby coat has been replaced by her permanent color, which is as stunning and unique as her mother’s but with a very different expression. Unlike Tigerlily’s minimal bold black spots, Snowball has developed a soft roan wash over much of her back. Her ears darkened to a beautiful fawn brown that frame her white face and cherubic smile. I absolutely love this little goat and I'm so glad we didn't sell her after all! 
I don't think she could take a bad picture. What a cutie.

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