What did you do today?
A diaper on a 150 lb goat? Wow. We used them on lambs when we brought them in the house years ago...
My words have power...And so do yours.
My website: https://sydev.us
Smile ive seen it and we used to do the babies as well
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
Yesterday my friend Jordan called to say that a very young first freshener of her's had kidded somewhere out on her 40 acres and they couldn't find the babies. The goat had come in with bloody mess on her back end but no kids. So Phil and I went down there and joined in the search. They had released the goat in question and had followed her around in the hopes that she would lead us to where she kidded, but all she would do was follow the other goats. They had the dog and even the pig out there sniffing among in the bushes and hills for afterbirth with no results. Phil and I got there and spent an hour baa-aa-ing around at the underbrush and listening for a response. Nothing. It was beginning to get dark when we noticed the doe pawing and trying to lie down. I went over and bounced her belly and felt a hard little hoof poking down right in front of her udder! We'd spent over an hour looking for a lost baby that was still inside the mother! What Jordan thought was afterbirth was actually the goo preceding the birth, which was abnormally abundant in this case and was red instead of amber. The poor goat had been marching all over the property with us while she was trying to go into labor! She gave birth to a single healthy little black doeling, and I hear mama and baby are doing great this morning. What a happy ending to what at first looked like it would be a tragedy!
Such an inspiring story that it should be the subject of the next banner!
Another banner??? I LOVE your banners! I get so excited whenever you say you've got another one in the works! I'm wondering if there will be a Christmas-themed one. Santa with eight tiny reind...er... giant packgoats? I know in some of those Scandinavian traditions Santa does drive a goat-drawn sleigh or he leads a big packgoat with all the toys on it's back.
Nanno, I'm SO glad it was a happy ending for your friend's goat!

Charlie Horse, I LOVE your banners!
Goatberries Happen!
Today I learned we will be signing for our new house...which sits on 5 acres! So excited to get out there and let my babies run.

We r signing on Thursday and moving on Monday. Woohoo!
Congratulations Alicia!
Goatberries Happen!
Yay for goats running in the fields! Congratulations Alicia!

I've been letting the bucklings out with the does under supervision lately because I noted when all the does came into heat and went back out, so for now everyone should be relatively safe. I only do this when I'm outside working because I want to be there in case someone suddenly starts showing interest in the boys, but for now all the girls are going "Ew, gross! Get away from me you cad!"

Finn thinks he's so handsome and he regularly applies copious amounts of cologne, so he can't understand why those pretty girls don't want to play with him. The best part is when I first open the boys' pen. Finn bolts out and starts chasing the first doe he comes to. After making a few circuits of the meadow, he gives up on that one and starts chasing another. He does this to all five in a row before he tires out and accepts defeat. Snickers and Sputnik usually putter around near the gate for a bit before realizing they're alone. Then suddenly they shoot off in a bucking explosion of legs and ears. They stroll up to all the girls and say hello (and usually try a quick but unsuccessful sip at Petunia's or Lilly's udder), but they don't chase skirts like Finn. They leave that to the big boys. Cuzco and Pac-Man keep a watchful eye, and if a buckling spends too much time harassing one of the girls they put him in his place. Actually, Pac-Man disciplines the boys. Cuzco blames it all on womanly wiles and usually sends the doe running. Either way, the two of them make a pretty good chaperone team.
Cool Smile Congradulations on the new house!!!
My words have power...And so do yours.
My website: https://sydev.us

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