Picking up our new baby buckling today!
Hm. So kinda tell us what makes him the thousand-dollar-buckling. He must be something pretty special. Royalty. (Oh, thats an R name) And does he stand out vs other goats in a way that one can see even at 2 weeks old? I'm terrible at spotting show-goat traits. When I see them at the fair I don't usually guess which one is best of class.

Ricky Ticky Tavy.
Robber-Barron Rockafeller.
Sir Ruts-a-lot.
Richy Rich.
Sir Robin.
Roy Baahdgers
Reginald J. Waddles.
Ronan Warrior.
President Ronald Vegan.
Rush Limbaaahh.
Mountin' Rainier.
The Raunchmeister.

Ok the brainstorm has passed. Move along.

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RE: Picking up our new baby buckling today! - by Charlie Horse - 02-21-2015, 09:18 PM

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