Two more new little Ben Lomond Packers...
Craft Project #33

"Prosthetic Goat Ears"

Supplies needed:
#1 One sheet of felt, preferably of a color similar to the goat
#2 Scissors
#3 One strip heat-molding plastic
#4 Pan of boiling water
#5 Glue

Heat the plastic strip in the hot water. Once it is flexible, lay it on the goat's head from ear to ear.
Once it has cooled enough to hold its shape, bend it in a little to give it some grip once it hardens.
Next cut out some ear shapes from the felt. Be generous.
Glue the ears to each side of the plastic strip. Allow to dry.
Place plastic head band and ears upon the goats head, using a few drops of glue to make it more or less permanent.
Watch your goat rejoice and feel normal and accepted.

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RE: Two more new little Ben Lomond Packers... - by Charlie Horse - 05-03-2014, 07:02 PM

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