Hello All
The Truck Chasing Goats have been at it Again!!!!
Trail Expedition #4
Target: Chestnut Ridge Preserve.
Object: Trail Conditioning, and Public Relations for Goat Packing.
At the Trail Head:
Boy's unloaded from the Goat tote, and got a chance to trim some weeds back in the small parking area.
There were several cars there, so I knew there were people on the Trail, probably with dogs.
As I have found out it is a popular area for hikers and dog people. (I did not think originally it was that well used)
Oh well best plans of men and goats often go astray.

But in a lot of ways it makes good training for Pete and Sam.
As well as a good place to "Surprise" non-goat people with what can be done with a goat besides meat and milk.
As it is a Park I had to carry leads for the boys JIC somebody complained they were off leash.
The Leads I carry for them are 25 foot lunge lines/driving lines.

I keep them coiled one over each should in case of need. Like a Bull Whip. Think Indiana Jones
I also carry my dog repellent holstered under my jacket. I carry more gear than the goats do "for now"
Moving On:
As we were getting ready to "Hit the Trail" a Lady and 2 daughters came in to go for a hike.
They could not believe I was trailing out with"Goats" of course they had to pet on Pete and Sam some.
I asked them IF they wanted to take a trail walk with us.
Answer "YES" I Explained a few things about trailing with goats. Educational Experience you know.
So we hit the trail, Boys mixed in with the "company" and trailed just fine with the new people.
Of course they were using their cell phone cameras every chance they got to get pictures of the goats on the trail with them. the goat boys were camera hogs.
The Pictures I have I had one of the girls take with my cell phone. Might have some better ones coming from them as I did give them my e-mail and card.
I think the goat boys may have infected 3 people with Pack Goat Fever.
We also had a couple of other encounters with people on the trail that were very surprised with goats as trail animals.
So a good day for Goat Packing here in the East was had by all.
Note: We did run into a few dogs.
Most were not goat aggressive, more like "What is that weird thing in the trail, Dog people were well mannered and curious about me walking goats, so I told them about Pack Goats. Good PR.
The Boy's and I did have our first run in with a "Aggressive" dog.
We met the people headed back to the trails head ,saw them headed our way with a GS and a Pit Bull type, they grabbed both of them stepped off the trail and held the dogs. Good Manners on their part. Dogs were throwing a fit.
Pete and Sam were as close to me as they could get, OK we got by the dogs, they went on and we went back into trail formation.
We went about 100 yards and here comes the Pit Bull charging down the trail at us. Boy's gathered around me again,
I intercepted the dog with a good hard kick in his ribs, he turned tail I pulled my pistol (Soft air 20 cal plastic pellets) and put 2 rounds into his hind end. Soft Air Pistol just paid for it self. Talk about a motivated dog he was gone fast.

Happy Trails
It was a good and eventful Walkabout
hihobaron Pete and Sam
Trail Company 3.JPG (Size: 88.55 KB / Downloads: 86)
Trail Company
Trail Company 6.JPG (Size: 87.16 KB / Downloads: 84)
Let's Cross the Bridge Boys
Trail Company 5.JPG (Size: 88.34 KB / Downloads: 83)
More New People to Goatafy
Goat Stump 1.JPG (Size: 30.32 KB / Downloads: 81)
We found a goat stump
End of Trail Campfire.JPG (Size: 49.02 KB / Downloads: 80)
End of Trail Camp Fire
Happy Trail
Keep Safe