(01-01-2014, 03:50 PM)sweetmusic Wrote: So glad to find you! I was a fairly inactive member over at the previous location, read a lot more than I posted, and hadn't been there since about Halloween. This afternoon I wandered over and was shocked to not find the forums. Not sure what happened, but a few of my Packgoat posts are now over on Goat Spots. I'm not trying to stir bad feelings, but if anybody would be willing to enlighten me, I'd appreciate it... Meanwhile, Happy New Year! May 2014 treat us all well.

Glad to see you found us! You weren't the only one who was rather shaken up by the unexpected move to TheGoatSpot. It's a little rough when they never gave us so much as a redirect page with a brief explanation. All our old stuff is still there at TheGoatSpot, but you might have to do a search for it since most of it is no longer categorized. I started this site from scratch about a month ago so there's not much here yet. Hopefully that will change as I add articles and as people find us and start contributing. Smile
More or less, the people who bought packgoatforums from Rex werent making enough money off the site or just didnt wanna manage a small forum so they merged us with the goat spot forum. No warning. Just one day nothing but a redirected link to the goat spot. Then after a week or so that link didnt work either. Nanno was nice enough to give us a place to rest our heads Smile
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
(01-01-2014, 07:10 PM)Dave-Trinity-Farms Wrote: More or less, the people who bought packgoatforums from Rex werent making enough money off the site or just didnt wanna manage a small forum so they merged us with the goat spot forum. No warning. Just one day nothing but a redirected link to the goat spot. Then after a week or so that link didnt work either. Nanno was nice enough to give us a place to rest our heads Smile
Wow, I really was out of the loop, didn't even realize that Rex had sold the packgoatforums! Does anybody know how he feels about the Goat Spot merger? Has he retired or is he here with us?
He just didnt have the time or resources to keep running the forum and he thought that the new company would be able to update the forum so that tables and phones would work on it. But no, he wasnt happy to hear about the merge. He signed a 4 year no compete clause that restricts him from opening up or running another forum.
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
Hey Nanno,

Thanks for starting this. I couldn't find my way around on the other one and all my old content is buried. I couldn't use my regular mail 'cause it wouldn't receive the activation mail for some reason.

Is there a quarantine area you want me to post? ;-)

We have two Christmas traditions:
1. Christmas eve we hike up Mill Creek and drop candles on the way, then have a campfire and do Christmas stuff from memory.

2. We order pizza Christmas eve, and then rather than have a big meal on Christmas day, we eat leftover pizza. In our younger days it allowed us to play with the kids, and now the grandkids.

So I went out Christmas eve and ordered a Pizza. There were two gansta type guys running the place, so I engaged them in conversation while I was waiting. I told them about the goats and the hike up the canyon.
They asked if the goats just followed me. I explained that they saw me as the senior goat. They then wondered if I had to butt heads with them to establish my dominance. I told them that it wasn't necessary, all I had to do was pee on my face. Goats thought anyone who peed on their face was really badass. As I was leaving I heard: "You're manager, you have to pee on your face." "No... If you want to be manager, you have to pee on your face."

So if the ganstas in Salt Lake have a new ritual for establishing dominance, you know where it started.
Would I be correct in assuming that you are the one and only Bob Jones from I can't think of anyone else who would encourage people in the food serving business to pee on their faces. Tongue

Glad you found us! Now that you're here, I'll make sure to add a quarantine area for you as soon as possible.

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