Goat-O-Rama Kids of 2018
That sounds like it has worked out perfectly for all concerned then. The couple are very fortunate to have been able to welcome goats into their lives that have been starting so well by you and the goats sound like they will be loved and appreciated PLUS you get to feel great knowing they are going to a great home. Triple win!

I can't wait to add my own baby pics to this thread, am counting down until I go collect my boys on Sept 23.
What a contrast between our photos now and the ones we took in June and July! We're lush and green and the goats have plenty to eat now.  

Blackbird: Big, black, and beautiful.  

Penny Lane is looking good lately too. So sleek and glossy! 

I can't get over how Prudence looks like a little Boer cross. Apparently Rocky had a tendency to throw this color because one of his other kids from this year is the same color as Prudie! I let a friend of mine breed a couple of her Alpine does to my bucks, and I only just saw photos today. I had to do a double-take when I saw the little white doeling with the red head on my friend's phone.  

Wild Honey Pie is a pretty girl too. She's got the sweetest little face--almost as sweet and pretty as Coral's. Honey has a shy but curious personality that I love.

I hope I can find a good home for these girls! 
Sgt. Pepper is getting prettier by the day. He's shedding his fluffy, tannish baby coat and replacing it with a darker gray coat and black martingale. He's a spunky little stinker and is starting to be a little bit pushy with his horns. We're going to have to work on that! 

But oh my gosh, look at that sweet face!

Honey Pie's got an itch!! 

"Don't you stick your tongue out at me!"

TinCup and her two big girls share (or attempt to share) a drink from the same bucket all at once. I don't think this is going to work out for them much longer!
No wonder he is feeling an inflated sense of his self and being pushy, he is just so handsome! <3
I haven't had time to update this thread in a while. Max and Sarge went to their new home on September 6th and the wonderful folks who bought them could not be more thrilled. I'm told that they get to go for a 1 1/2 mile walk every morning, and since the man of the house is retired, he goes out and hangs out with them 4-5 times every day. There are horses in the next pasture over and a school across the street, so the goats never lack for activity to watch. It sounds like they have a great life and I hope they enjoy many happy years with their new family.

A week ago Nauti went back to the breeder I bought her from. She has been very unthrifty and simply has not blossomed here. She's had pneumonia twice and mastitis twice, and although she recovered she's never been able to put on weight. I've had her tested for parasites and she's clean. I don't know what's wrong and I can't seem to get her looking healthy so I asked the breeder if she would take her back and she agreed. I was sad to see her go but I wish her all the best. I hope her previous owner is able to turn her around. I feel sorry for Nauti's doe kid, Sadie. Sadie is a bit of an outcast in the herd now that her mother and brother are gone, but I'm doing what I can to give her extra loves and attention and treats. She loves being spoiled but is starting to jump on me to demand attention. It's hard to say no to my little "orphan girl," but I'm going to have to start being firm soon as she's getting quite big lately.

Today we said goodbye to TinCup's babies, Pie and Prudie. I sold them to a lady who recently moved to Colorado and had to sell her herd of 20 goats. She misses them and wants to start a new herd now that she's settled. She very nearly lost her home in the Spring Fire down near La Veta this summer. They lost most of their trees, but the houses in her little neighborhood were miraculously spared with only minor damage. Many of her neighbors were not so fortunate and lost everything. I hope that starting a new little herd of milk goats will give her a fresh, happy start here in Colorado and take away some of the pain of seeing so much destruction in their area. It looks like the girls will be well-loved.

It's awfully hard to say goodbye to our sweet little kidlets every year, but I remind myself that it's my way of sharing the caprine joy and love. I would never have gotten involved with goats if some misguided individual had not sold us Cuzco for $25. So while we say goodbye with heavy hearts, we also celebrate as we share the wonderful, unique happiness goats bring us.
Sounds like Max and Sarge are going to love their new home!
Happiness is a working goat

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