The ultimate pack theory
Yes they can reproduce. In the link I attached they documented up to two generations of hybrid offspring. From what I can tell this is because domesticated goats were developed from ibex and other wild goats, so this would be more like dogs crossed with wolves (domesticated crossing with wild form) rather then a mule coming from horse and donkey (crossing two separate species).

The Washington WAC code is 232-12-017. All it mentions is hybrid, but does not clarify how many generations. The people who would decide would be using this WAC, and it doesn't clarify. This creates a pretty big gray area, and the answer will probably always vary depending on who you ask. If someone could develope a 3rd or 4th generation in a different state, maybe it could be used for this project, but maybe not? I'll ask the person at F&W.

Messages In This Thread
The ultimate pack theory - by nebs - 01-07-2014, 08:25 PM
RE: The ultimate pack theory - by nebs - 01-08-2014, 08:29 AM
Snow Day! - by Saph - 01-08-2014, 11:13 AM

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