help me identify what brand saddles these are?
I bought 3 saddles a few years ago.  basic wood saddles.  

I'm curious if yall "recognize" the brand of saddle, since there is no manufacturers mark on two of them.  

one saddle has an elk + boot print on it. I assume that one ought to be recognizable.  I think it may have been made by a man named Glenn Thornton?

Do these look "familiar".  it's not really important..... I'm really just curious. 

Attached Files
.jpg   wood saddle Glen Thornton made.jpg (Size: 104.88 KB / Downloads: 40)
.jpg   wood saddles.jpg (Size: 118.37 KB / Downloads: 40)
.jpg   wood saddles2.jpg (Size: 110.32 KB / Downloads: 39)

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help me identify what brand saddles these are? - by Billy Goat Texas - 01-27-2022, 05:47 PM

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