San Rafael Swell & Goblin Valley in Utah
Saskya did not mind getting out of the papoose carrier thing. Cheerful as usual.

[Image: 110_window_baby_01.jpg]

Time to head down. I'm thinking someday I'll bring a pad and a good book and hang out for a while.

[Image: 115_window_departing_01.jpg]

Sarah, her kid and her other kid.

[Image: 120_window_sarah_01.jpg]

Off in the distance you can see Goblin Valley sticking up. Heading down the Reef.

[Image: 125_window_reef_surface_01.jpg]

By now everyone was ready to march back to camp. The goats kept themselves in the shade. So down the reef and back up Wildhorse Canyon to camp!

[Image: 127_window_seek_shade_01.jpg]

Eldon brought treats. How he kept them a secret this long is a mystery.

[Image: 130_window_treats_01.jpg]

Back at camp, Sasha had had enough and was going to settle down for long stretches to rest her old joints.

[Image: 135_camp_sasha_01.jpg]

The wind kicked up and a cool mass of air moved in. Not cold but with the wind it was jacket weather. We did brats and hot dogs and smores provided by Nan and Phil! Then Phil did some lively tunes on his violin and I have to say he has real talent. Some of that stuff was tricky!

[Image: 137_camp_fire_01.jpg]

Here's the White Lemon and Sarah's tent the next morning. It was a cooler night but very comfortable-- perhaps more than the previous warm night.

[Image: 140_camp_site_01.jpg]

By the way, I recommend these cot-tents for car camping with goats. They dont try to climb over them nor mess with them as much as ground based tents. I do love my hammock but out in the Swell there arent always enough trees to use it. Apparently Cabellas stole the design for this tent from Cotopaxi, so if you want one, I'd get one from them to be fair. They're nice because like a hammock you can hang your legs out and deal with shoes and feet without tracking sand in.

[Image: 145_camp_cot_01.jpg]

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RE: San Rafael Swell & Goblin Valley in Utah - by Charlie Horse - 10-07-2015, 07:45 PM

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