Sick Goat
If i use valbazen,how long will i not be able to use the treated goats milk?

Goobert's gut sounds like a water balloon,or bed,ect . Sad
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according to this,valbazen only kills liver flukes? Is that right,or am i reading somthing wrong?
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All dewormers kill more then just one parasite. Some do better for kinds of worms. You mentioned that you where using cydectin I believe? That is a great wormer (((IF))) you are using the one intended for sheep, not cattle and you have used it right. Giving the right dose and then following up with the second course no later then 10 days afterwords.
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S.E. Washington (Benton City)
Oh,I was using the one for cattle. Sad

I gave my goats some free choice cow mineral,until I get them some free choice goat mineral. It hopefully will help . Wink
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1cc per 25 lbs is what's on the bottle, that dose isn't strong enough to work properly and will create resistance faster because you're under dosing them. Most wormers you have to really up it, since goats' metabolisms are so fast. That's what I know, and what I'll contribute.
correct Emma. Doses can be anywhere from 2 to 4 times the amount for goats then what is listed on the lable
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
ok,Thanks all!!
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Well, Well, It seems we have a vast amount of miss-information being strewn about here ! So lets just go right to the top and get the "FACTS".
The manufacturer of Cydectin, Boehringer Ingelheim spent millions of dollar developing their product. And a "BIG" profit is exactly what they want. They would like nothing better than to see you dose your goats at 2 to 4 times their recommended dosage. Do you really believe these drug companies just picked a number out of the air to decide on the correct dosage ? I don't know anyone who uses the Sheep drench on goats. Most all of the big goat producers use the Cydectin Pour-On Cattle wormer, but as an "ORAL" drench, when using Cydectin. The sheep drench is only 1 mg of Moxidectin per ml, and the Cattle Pour-On is 5 mg per ml, five times the strength. At the dosage for sheep the Sheep Drench is worthless for a goat. Goats are not sheep and are dosed at a different level. At the correct dosage for a goat this drench becomes the most expensive goat wormer in history. All the knowledgeable goat vets I know recommend and use the Cydectin Pour-On, given "Orally" when using Cydectin, as do every goat producer I know across this country. The dosage they all recommend for the Cydectin Pour- On, given "ORALLY", is 1.1 cc per 25 lbs of body weight. Now if you still believe the Manufacturer, all the big goat producers and the knowledgeable goat vets are ignorant then lets go to the Largest Goat Research Facility in the World and see what they think. The E (Kika) de la Garza American Institute For Goat Research at Langston University has done more "Correct" research on this subject than all the others combined, and is considered the "TOP" expert in the "WORLD". They recommend and use Cydectin Pour-On at the dosage of 1.1 cc per 25 lbs. when they use Cydectin. These are the "FACTS". Remember, Ignorance can be fixed but stupid is forever. Educate yourself with facts.
So,I can give Cydectin Orally? isnt that toxic?

I think i will try it. Wink
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well,it looks like we are out of Cydectin...
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