Cool PackGoat Skills Checklist for 4-H...
I came across this really cool free PackGoat Checklist for 4-H's that is downloadable via pdf. I thought it might be helpful for those involved with 4-H & interested in promoting PackGoating.



Article: "4-H PackGoat Skills Checklist"


Pack Goat Skills Checklist
Member’s name:____________________________________________________
Mastering these pack goat skills will provide a solid foundation upon which the member may build. To achieve success in this project the skills listed below will help 4-H leaders know what to teach and 4-H members to know what they need to learn. Have your leader initial and date each skill as completed. Each level may take more than one year to complete.

Level 1
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1. Identify the parts of the pack goat
2. Identify the parts of the pack saddle
3. Weigh your goat and determine how much weight your goat can carry.
4. Learn the dietary requirements of a pack goat and how it differs from what is fed a dairy goat.
5. Demonstrate that you can lift your goat’s hooves.
6. Be aware of scrapies regulations
7. Learn about urinary calculi and CAE and how to best manage your goat so that it doesn’t get them.
8. Demonstrate proper saddling of your goat
9. Demonstrate a quick-release knot
10. Demonstrate that your goat can walk with a loose lead.
11. Demonstrate that your goat can make a water crossing.
12. Demonstrate that your goat can walk on the top of a log.
13. Demonstrate that your goat can cross fallen branches.
14. Demonstrate that your goat can go under an obstacle.
15. Demonstrate that your goat can load into a trailer or truck
16. Develop “minimum-impact” camping skills.
17. Learn the proper trail etiquette to follow when the goat packer meets other livestock and hikers on the trail.
18. Learn the best clothing to wear for goat packing.
19. Plan a day trip. Write an itinerary that could be left with an adult not going. Plan for what might go wrong.
20. Develop an equipment and clothing checklist for a day trip.
21. Participate in a goat packing day trip.
22. Participate in a service project at a natural area
23. Learn how to read a legend on a park map.

Level 2 – Complete Level 1 before proceeding to level 2
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1. Take a first aid course or ask a capable volunteer to give you general first aid instruction………………………………..
2. Learn about the different vaccinations a goat has to have and why they are important……………………………………
3. Create a first aid kit for you and your goat…………………..
4. Demonstrate that you can trim your goat’s hooves in a trail situation………………………………………………………….
5. Learn to evaluate quality construction and design features of goat packing equipment and clothing.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of different sets of panniers…………………………………………………..
6. Visit a goat packing equipment store or look through a catalog or online store for answers to questions on uses, needs and costs………………………………………………..
7. Describe why the panniers should be equal in weight…….
8. Develop an equipment and clothing checklist for an overnight trip. Learn how to pack panniers properly to protect items from getting wet in water crossings and rainstorms………………………………………………………
9. Learn what percentage of your goat’s body weight it can carry and how many pounds that is…………………………..
10. Demonstrate how to put on and take off a loaded pack…….
11. Determine the fitness levels of you and your goat. Why is fitness important for both you and your goat?......................
12. Learn how far away from a water source you should camp………………………………………………………………
13. Review “minimum impact” camping skills………………….
14. Learn to read topographical maps…………………………….
15. Demonstrate how to find direction with a compass………….
16. Demonstrate “high-lining”…………………………………….
17. Learn to plan and prepare foods for a packing trip. Practice by cooking a meal for a group on a day trip…………………...
18. Plan and carry out sanitizing of cooking and eating utensils……………………………………………………………
19. Plan an overnight pack trip. Develop equipment and clothing lists, menus, gather maps and plan an itinerary…..
20. Discuss food requirements goats might need on a packing trip………………………………………………………………….
21. Participate in an overnight pack trip. Leave your itinerary with an adult not going………………………………………….
22. Participate in a service project at a natural area……………..

Level 3 – Complete Level 2 before proceeding to level 3
Approved By

1. Learn about pack animal regulations at several packing areas. Have these regulations changed in the last 20 years?.................................................................................
2. Plan an extended pack trip for a group. Develop equipment lists, menus, gather maps and plan an itinerary. Decide which group member is going to be responsible for what……
3. Learn how to make water safe to drink. Learn how to use a water filter and water purifier. Learn the difference between a filter and a purifier……………………………………………..
4. Gather several types of pack equipment (saddles, panniers, tents, stoves, water filters and purifiers).
Test and rate each……………………………………………….
5. Participate in an extended goat-packing trip. Leave your itinerary with an adult not going………………………………..
6. Participate in a service project at a natural area……………
7. Demonstrate the use of a GPS system with a topographical map………………………………………………………………..
8. Investigate research or Pasteurella studies that have been conducted on pack goats. Investigate the impact of pack goats on wildlife. ………………………………………………..
LOCATION: Top-of-Utah at the South base of Ben Lomond
Looks like both the University of Arizona & University of Idaho basically use the same 4-H checklist as well.

University of Arizona: 4-H PackGoat Checklist

University of Idaho: 4-H PackGoat Checklist

LOCATION: Top-of-Utah at the South base of Ben Lomond

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