I'm sorry you can't make it Debbie. What a nasty last-minute let-down! I hope you get well soon!
To all you folks at the Rendy, I'm jealous!
Thanks every one. Yes, I am majorly, totally bummed! This would have been my first rendy and I was hoping to bring my two new horned boys and see how they did on the trails, plus I wanted to talk to some of you horned goat people for tips and training. I was really looking forward to meeting all of the people I chat with on the internet. I hope someone will be taking lots of photos to share with all of us who are stuck at home.
I hope to see lots of photos too. That's one thing I missed about last year's Rendy (which was my first one)--I didn't get many photos and no one else posted any either (that I know of).
Charlene has lined up a photographer for the Rendy.
Last year's rendy photos:
Auction Winner
Auction in the ger
Chit chat
Rockstar Vs Bacchus
Camp (the little white dot)
Camp fire
BBQ Bacchus
Passing out fliers
Ger under construction
Ger complete
Clay's camp
Morning routine