05-12-2014, 03:37 PM
05-12-2014, 05:33 PM
I will try to get down to the campground one day this week and get pics to post here and on NAPgA site. This is a dry camp with no hook ups and I don't think there are any fire grates so fires will be contained by rock rings. If you have a grate probably better bring it.
05-12-2014, 08:32 PM
Well, he does do some naughty things to himself sometimes... lol
I remember a little about that campground, dry yes, mostly sandy/gravely in the campsites, with some large trees, with grass by the river and I think a small, dry area of grass in the middle of the lot. Picnic tables (can't remember about the fire-pits), and I think there were outhouses, but I could be wrong. It's a big place, lots of open space for goats to run around and get rowdy.
I remember a little about that campground, dry yes, mostly sandy/gravely in the campsites, with some large trees, with grass by the river and I think a small, dry area of grass in the middle of the lot. Picnic tables (can't remember about the fire-pits), and I think there were outhouses, but I could be wrong. It's a big place, lots of open space for goats to run around and get rowdy.
05-16-2014, 12:52 PM
I am up in the air now about attending. My big boy's one knee is still not better (swollen). My biggest fear is that he has CAE and will have him tested. This would be a big blow. Over two years invested and just approaching the time when I can start packing him. I'm sick. I've done everything right. Raising for maximum size, castrating late to deter urinary problems. If he as CAE, may have to cull my other boy too. I've been growing these boys to help me extend my hunting range in my golden years. If I have to start over it may be more than I can handle. Besides my big boy is such a great personality and temperament. Very sad. He's thin and has had coccidii the past two years. From what I've read one CAE symptom is higher susceptibility to paracites. He's the only one who's thin. I'm sick about this.
05-16-2014, 06:11 PM
(05-11-2014, 08:43 PM)deschutes dawn Wrote: [ -> ]Just bring it along. The dates are June 26, camp opens at 4, through June 30, camp closes at noon.
I'm pretty sure my friend who is the photographer would rather be on a horse! She regularly rides one of mine. If you stick around past rendy for a day maybe I could haul some horses to the trail head and we could go for a ride. Have you ridden Arabians? Mine are endurance bred and are extreme forward movers.
I have two Arab crosses (one Arab/TWH and one Arab/Icelandic) that I dearly love. I used to have purebreds years ago. I love the breed. You cannot find a more honest faithful horse.
05-16-2014, 06:43 PM
(05-16-2014, 12:52 PM)joecool911 Wrote: [ -> ]I am up in the air now about attending. My big boy's one knee is still not better (swollen). My biggest fear is that he has CAE and will have him tested. This would be a big blow. Over two years invested and just approaching the time when I can start packing him. I'm sick. I've done everything right. Raising for maximum size, castrating late to deter urinary problems. If he as CAE, may have to cull my other boy too. I've been growing these boys to help me extend my hunting range in my golden years. If I have to start over it may be more than I can handle. Besides my big boy is such a great personality and temperament. Very sad. He's thin and has had coccidii the past two years. From what I've read one CAE symptom is higher susceptibility to paracites. He's the only one who's thin. I'm sick about this.
I'm so sorry to hear that he's not better. You really should get both your boys tested ASAP. It is not expensive and the results come back right away. If they come back negative you can start looking for other causes. If he is positive then at least you can decide how to proceed. It's quite possible one goat could have it and not give it to the other since they aren't breeding. I'm sorry you're having to go through this.

05-16-2014, 07:32 PM
I'm so sorry, it's so hard when we invest so much time, energy, and emotion into these guys. Don't give up though! We've had a very hard time this year with two of our yearlings. They caught every thing possible and seem to have bad immune systems. On top of all of that I thought my one boy wouldn't be able to pack (or even walk) due to his poor crooked legs and fetlock joints that gave out. After he was in splints for 6 wks I thought he may not make it if his legs didn't get better and support him. They're both doing great now and I even think he will make a great packer given several years to grow and heal. My 4 year old boy had a terrible time last year with a limp of unknown cause, he could hardly walk around some days and we never could find a cause. Lasted for months. He ended up getting better and packed last summer. Maybe it's not CAE, maybe your guy just had a injury that is causing the swelling. Get him tested, but stay positive and try not to worry until you know for sure.
Easier said than done, huh...
Easier said than done, huh...
05-17-2014, 01:24 AM
It has been a rough year here as well. And lots of places for that matter. Just weird aliments Extended periods of kids with the poops. A few does not really interested in feed or grain one day but fine the next (hay related I am thinking) have been some of the issues we have been dealing with. Tried the herbal dewormer with no luck at all...
Id suggest the testing as well. With just a few goats you should be well under 100.00 even if you have your vet draw the blood.
Id suggest the testing as well. With just a few goats you should be well under 100.00 even if you have your vet draw the blood.
05-17-2014, 09:03 PM
Same here. Can't shake the snotty noses and dry cough. Everybody eating well, playing but just can't get completely well. I've had them to my vet and she's been seeing the same thing in some of the other small herds. Weird year. Even people I've been trying to deal with for rendy have been vague and non-committal. I'm a frustrated person right now. It'll blow over as always but still frustrating.
Sorry to hear about everyone else's goater frustrations. Maybe we need to consult a Ouija board or psychic or tarot or something else that makes as little sense as this year has been!
Sorry to hear about everyone else's goater frustrations. Maybe we need to consult a Ouija board or psychic or tarot or something else that makes as little sense as this year has been!
05-19-2014, 11:56 AM
I will be at Rendy with my DH and my niece. There is a group of TGS people too, I believe 3 in that group.
Now, is the fee $15 per person or per camp?
I'm checking on local weed free alfalfa this weekend so, shouldn't need hay.
The vets are telling us that part of the health problems are because the ground didn't get that deep freeze it should have, even with the cold and the snow. For some reason the parasites and insects thrived instead of dying off.
Now, is the fee $15 per person or per camp?
I'm checking on local weed free alfalfa this weekend so, shouldn't need hay.
The vets are telling us that part of the health problems are because the ground didn't get that deep freeze it should have, even with the cold and the snow. For some reason the parasites and insects thrived instead of dying off.