Weather report says around 70's daytime and down to possibly 38 at night, so definitely cooler than your area Debbie. Bring a warm sleeping bag, and layers! Really look forward to meeting you all!! And meeting you again Dave! Too bad I won't have my goats, but I'll get to relax and enjoy yours
PS. I have a couple bags of Ammonium Chloride that I had bought a couple of years ago, thinking I would need it/use it. If I remember I'll throw it in my truck and whoever wants it can have it.
If you check the Weather Channel website and type in La Pine, OR you can check the weather daily. It's the closest town to the campground.
PS. I have a couple bags of Ammonium Chloride that I had bought a couple of years ago, thinking I would need it/use it. If I remember I'll throw it in my truck and whoever wants it can have it.
Put it in the auction/raffle! NAPA could use the funds for our legal battle to keep lands open to packgoats!
OK I'm bringing it then!
Cold nights make for great campfire time though! I'm excited to meet everyone as well. We made the decision this week not to bring the goats due to vet check/ID costs, just too much money to bring them all. If we went out of state a few times a year it may be worth it, but we never do so I can't justify it. Excited to meet everyone and soak up as much knowledge as we can though!
Current weather report for the upcoming weekend is for chance of T-storms Thursday and Friday and clouds on Saturday with slight chance of rain. Haven't seen what the rest of the weekend is yet from the local meteorologists. Days in the 70's nights 30's. That's pretty normal for this time of year around here.
I was going to high Legion at night but I think ill let him sleep next to me to keep me warm
Ah was looking forward to seeing June again
Ill help you smuggle her in!
My friend's husband is donating some wood for us. I'm thinking that is going to be a good thing!
We got our goats done today at the vets. Man! was that ever a chore! Who ever my vet had to talk to up in Oregon to get a number for our papers was a royal pain in the behind! My vet says Oregon is always hard to work with on this stuff and suggested that I don't do this again, lol! She is sending 3 saanen bottle baby bucklings that are on twice a day bottles to see if anyone is interested in them. Sooooo spread the word! I dont want to bring them back to my house! I have 3 bottle babies and that is enough for this year!
Ya Oregon is pretty messed up. A health certificate lasts 30 days. But in Oregon they require you also have a permit number. Ya, that doesnt seem so bad cept the permit number is only good for 15 days...