Bridger's GORGEOUS full brother...$200 (Hornless LaMancha in Northern Utah)
To those that passed up this goat, I say to you "Ha ha!"

He seems to have the makings of a perfect pack goat. He was not too worried about meeting the dog for the first time at all. He tends to fit right in with the new herd just fine. He's not startled by passing cars. He leads better than some of my older goats. He is comfortable around people and loves to be loved, but at the same time isn't demanding. He seems at home wherever he is (While he did bah a lot in the car at first, he never got rowdy. Indoors he's curious but well mannered). Honestly I haven't found a fault with him so far, except that his ears are missing.

On that note, I am debating which name to use for him:

#1 Dragon (Because dragons have no ears, are large, and awesome.)
#2 Vincent VanGoat (Because of the ears.)

[Image: introductions_woodstock_01.jpg]

Ears, ears, everywhere! Oh. Wait.

[Image: introductions_stump_01.jpg]

I've been letting him sleep on my bed for the first part of the night till he wakes up (and gets rushed out to pee). Its how I handle puppies, so why not goslings. I'd say he's feeling right at home.

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RE: Bridger's GORGEOUS full brother...$200 (Hornless LaMancha in Northern Utah) - by Charlie Horse - 04-08-2015, 02:36 PM

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