(03-20-2015, 08:45 AM)Charlie Horse Wrote: Wow he *is* going to be a fantastic goat! I mean, at 2 days old look at him!
I wish I had the 200 bucks. I just had to drop $220 on a new fuel pressure regulator for one of my cars, $200 in insurance, and $70 in taxes. I'm poor this month, dang it.
I've been an alpine guy but I hear those LaMachas are perhaps the best pack goats. Great personality + great body type.
P.S. For anyone that buys him, I'll fashion you some leather fake ears.
Like you the ear thing took me a little bit to get over. That changed IMMEDIATELY when I had them on the trail.
Also, I love my four (6 yoa) Alpine/Saanan crosses...they are phenomenal. I love my hybrids from Dwight...they are stellar, big & beautiful...they will likely be my biggest & maybe tallest. Amazing personalities. As those three are 1/2 Ober, they will hopefully be great for water crossings.
But...I have to tell you I am VERY impressed with my 100% LaMancha 4 yr old. He is big (guessing in the 200# range & is was nearly 38" last time I checked last fall)...he is long legged, tall, tough as nails, smart & pretty gentle. While he is not the Herd-Master/Boss he is a close second & doesn't take crap from anyone; he keeps the yearlings in line. What he is though, is my Trail Leader, he has to be at the front...period. (My Herd-Master goat usually positions himself at the front of the middle at #3/6 when packing.) He is a hard worker & NEVER gives up no matter what.
Last year when this same LaMancha (then 3 yoa) he was carrying like 20# though the High Uinta's. On the same trip, I had one of my 5 year old Alpine/Saanans started to lag severely & was developing a slight limp. We were in the about +11,000 ft...he is slow on the best of days is always #6/6 in line when packing. Early on day 3:4 & 15 miles from the truck, I knew I might be in trouble if I didn't do something different with him, especially as we were going up & down from 10,500 ft to 11,500 on very rocky & broken up trails. Anyway, longer story short, I ended up tethering him to my 3 yr old LaMancha and he hauled his butt up & down the hills. Heck...the slow poke was even getting practically choked a few times, my Lamancha was pulling him along so fast. LOL

Eventually I ended up empting my slow-poke's panniers and putting a full 40#'s on my 3 year old for the rest of day 3 & day 4. I also tethered him on the hills...still dragging him along.

He never missed a beat & STILL insisted on being in the very front by me the whole time. Also, he never hesitated to cross any creeks or streams either.
Back to my 100% LaMancha yearlings & sibling of this one for sale...I think they will be as good or better & just as big & tall if not more so. I won't be culling or trading them any time soon.
Lastly, if really interested, I am sure Dona could be convinced to keep him a bit longer if it is a guaranteed sale. BTW, here is their sire, Typhoon with some great bloodlines...he is a big boy.
Best of luck!
(03-20-2015, 09:55 AM)Nanno Wrote: I love that chest on him! I'm with Charlie Horse... he needs someone to donate some ears. Maybe we need to start an "ear donor" program for goats kind of like people have "organ donor" on their driver's license.
Love his white socks too, by the way!
I'm telling you...if you pack with them, you will change your view point. Also, yes Typhoon, Bridger & this buckling have gorgeous ultra white on their legs. The black color on these boys is a pure deep jet black, not that flat black that is common on goats. (Like Kody's)