Poly Dome Shelters...perfect for our goats!
Awesome! This is very generous of you.

As another shout-out for PolyDomes, we had a vicious wind storm a couple of nights ago and woke up to find that our E-Z Hutch had blown away! It was staked down but apparently the shape of it caused it to catch the wind, pull up four 12" spikes, and take flight. Neither of the round PolyDomes budged. We did recover the E-Z Hutch from where it had landed in the bushes several hundred yards away and it was mostly undamaged, but I'd like to replace it with another PolyDome whenever we can afford it.

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RE: Poly Dome Shelters...perfect for our goats! - by Nanno - 04-04-2014, 09:50 PM

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