All my goats are retired so have one last gear dump. All equipment is in great shape. Everything is located near boise idaho. Would rather not ship and have more items if local pickup.
Sopris lumbar saddle w/chest strap & breeching & intermediate panniers - $400
Sopris intermediate panniers - $125
Two large NW packgoats insulated coats - $30 each
One medium NW packgoats insulated coat- $30
One medium NW packgoats uninsulated coat- $30
One large NW packgoats uninsulated coat- $30
Two new XXL insulated orange dog coats, similar to medium goat coat size - $15 each
Four NW pack goat pocket pads for owyhee style aluminum saddles - $15 each
Sopris lumbar saddle w/chest strap & breeching & intermediate panniers - $400
Sopris intermediate panniers - $125
Two large NW packgoats insulated coats - $30 each
One medium NW packgoats insulated coat- $30
One medium NW packgoats uninsulated coat- $30
One large NW packgoats uninsulated coat- $30
Two new XXL insulated orange dog coats, similar to medium goat coat size - $15 each
Four NW pack goat pocket pads for owyhee style aluminum saddles - $15 each