03-23-2023, 08:14 AM
I had 2 Doeling’s born on 03/15/2023. Both are for sale, come from proven pack stock. I hunt/Pack 90+ days a year with my goats. There grand sire has been packing since he was 18 months, he’s now 3 years old. Doeling #1/brown 11.1lbs at birth(biggest kid ever for my farm). Doeling #2/white 8.9lbs at birth. Both are leggy and tall. 56% Alpine, 19% Boer, 19% Saanen, 6% Oberhasli, both parents are on site. I require a non refundable $150 deposit, remaining $350 due on pickup. Kids can be picked up anytime. I encourage everyone to bottle feed them to imprint on you. Both have been bottle fed entirely. Mother was also tested Movi free as of 03/17/2023. If you have any questions feel free to email me. Brushmountainpackgoats@gmail.com

Brush Mountain Pack Goats
NAPgA board member
NAPgA board member