Archery Hunting with Goats *Clearly I need Help*
Gary, my husband and I have had success archery elk hunting many times with our packgoats at our sides. Granted there are 2 of us. We tend to separate a short distance apart when the elk are in close. The goats tend to wander between us, eat and if we sit for a few minutes they lye down. They are usually tired from hiking. They don't drink much but eat plants that have water in them. I guess this because they pee plenty. Elevation is of minimal concern if they are in shape, however 1500 miles on the road will take its toll.
We hunt with 3 goats that are 3 to 4 years apart in age.

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RE: Archery Hunting with Goats *Clearly I need Help* - by IdahoNancy - 09-27-2016, 07:57 PM

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