How do I nip this in the bud right now!
Thanks for all the input. A water bottle works good on my goats also and I use it frequently, especially when they rush the gate when I'm trying to get a doe out to milk. I have also used a shock collar on a few of my goats who wanted to grind my LGD puppy into dust a few years ago when we first got him. This incident just caught me totally off guard. Nanno, do you have an archive of the old posts? I believe it was Rex that did the post on "flipping." I would like to brush up on it in case the occasion presents itself again. Like you said, it might not work on him but at least it's another tool in the bag.

BTW- The doe that he bashed kidded yesterday, had two doelings and a buckling, one of the doelings was stillborn, fully developed and had not been dead long. I cant help but think that shot she took from Luke had something to do with it, maybe broke the umbilical cord or something. I've separated does out before kidding before but they are even more brutal to each other than the wethers are to them, and I don't have the space to give everyone their own private suite..

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RE: How do I nip this in the bud right now! - by SMaxwell - 03-13-2014, 07:55 AM

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