Panting, Huffing, Grunting
Hello Everyone,

I am a new goat packer from Wyoming.  I have recently purchased 2 great goats as my introduction into goat packing.  My whethers are both around 5 years of age and have had experience packing already.

My Question:

I recently took my goats out on a longer mountain hike without packs or saddles.  We left the truck and made our way about 2 miles into the country.  Everything was going fine, the goats following behind me snacking here and there, yet keeping up.

At about the 2 mile mark, my dominate whether began to pant / huff / grunt trying to get ahead of me.  If I let him in front of me he would stop making any noise and just stop.  If I even took one step he would begin the panting / grunting / moaning and again try to stay ahead of me.  It seemed that if we turned around to the truck he would stop the majority of this and let me lead.

Am I dealing with the same problem you have with horses that do not want to leave the trailer or pen?  Or was this a pecking order / dominance type of thing? 

I did not discipline during this as I did not want to do it incorrectly.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

All the best from Wyoming.

Messages In This Thread
Panting, Huffing, Grunting - by WyomingPicker - 03-06-2016, 06:17 PM
RE: Panting, Huffing, Grunting - by Sanhestar - 03-07-2016, 06:03 AM
RE: Panting, Huffing, Grunting - by WyomingPicker - 03-10-2016, 07:02 PM
RE: Panting, Huffing, Grunting - by Marc - 03-07-2016, 08:37 AM
RE: Panting, Huffing, Grunting - by Nanno - 03-10-2016, 09:17 PM

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