Water Filters/Systems on the trail
This thread is long dead - but since I'm a new member and have something to add I'll throw a note down here for historical searching sake.

The platypus gravity filter is my goto filtration of the last 5 years and I can't recommend it enough. Primarily because it's a passive system that accumulates water. So no pumping, and when it comes time to mix drinks or use non-boiling water you have a cache of water on hand at all times. It rolls up and is less bulky than a pump, and the 'clean' water bag is a game changer when it comes to making dinner or refilling bladders. Also, at water stops you can relax rather than do a bunch of work for h20 bladders.

Also in murky waters where sediment is heavy, boiling is suboptimal, so filtration becomes key..... in these circumstances I put a small charcoal filter in line and the taste is vastly improved and the prefilter caputres the big stuff and prevents clogging the main filter.

Cleaning the filter is aslo easy, it backwashes.

My making trips to the water source, I can pump 10's of liters of water in an hour pretty effortlessly.

Hope this helps someone in the future!


Messages In This Thread
Water Filters/Systems on the trail - by hihobaron - 01-24-2016, 09:21 PM
RE: Water Filters/Systems on the trail - by syncrofly - 01-19-2017, 04:58 PM
RE: Water Filters/Systems on the trail - by Kat - 04-29-2017, 04:28 AM

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