CL Vaccination - Thoughts and experiences
That's an interesting question and one I've wondered about myself. Because of this, I've avoided opening the abscesses on any of the goats except the ones that are really close to the surface and will rupture anyway. I left Finn's too long and he ripped it open himself and left that big, gaping wound. I'm hoping if they absorb the abscesses that they'll have a higher likelihood of getting those antibodies into their bloodstream, but like the vets you spoke to, I have no idea if it even works like that. I hope that the carrier has more to do with the reactions than the killed bacteria because then it seems like there would be a very good outlook for a better vaccine in the near future.

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RE: CL Vaccination - Thoughts and experiences - by Nanno - 05-29-2015, 02:16 PM

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