REI Goatpacking 101 Clinic
The REI clinic went really well.  About 20 people attended.  Curtis King, Lori Woodside, Eldon & Debbi Otta & I are a great team!  Curtis & Lori manned an information table from 11:30-1.  The clinic was from 7:15-8:30.  It began a little late due to an REI equipment glitch.  Eldon & Debbi brought Pac-Man & Rudy.  Curtis brought Mocha Man & Sasquatch.  We gave the presentation and then the real fun began.  Everyone gathered around the goats, questions were asked and answered, Pac-Man showed off his complement of tricks and people had the photos taken with the goats.  A few of the people were extremely interested in goatpacking.  Hopefully we'll add to the ranks of goatpackers!

Here are a couple of photos from the mid day information table.  I'll post clinic photos when they are emailed to me.

Check out the AWESOME banner artwork created by our very own Charlie Horse, Herb Flowers!


Goatberries Happen!
Great job guys! Way to represent!
Oh wow! It looks like it went well! This kind of thing is important because it was Clay Zimmerman at the Utah State Fair that got me into pack goats. I had a yak I had planned packing with, but the goat was just for milk. The idea of pack goats was planted and soon I had purchased some male goats and was on my way to goat packing. I wish I had time to do some stuff like that. I'm sure any REI or similar type of store would love to host any of us doing a presentation. What makes it awesome is of course the banner. The banner is the key.
Taffy and all the People and the goats at REI Presentation
Good Job, When I get a little bit more Ready here is SC I'll me and Pete and Sam will set something similar up at TSC.
We already have a Presentation Date for Pack Goats at Prepper Camp in September.
I will try and do as good a job as you guy's did.
Happy Trails
hihobaron Blizzard,Fluffy,Pete and Sam in South Carolina
That banner is priceless.
Nice job Taffy and company!! Love the banner Charlie Horse! I'm glad your presentation went so well. I hope we get some more goat packers to swell our ranks from this. Smile

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