Decent Mineral Mix 16/8 (2:1 ratio)
Had Matt the vet out today to look at a couple of does that we suspected had pneumonia, and both indeed do. But while he was here we got into talking about this mineral mix. He didnt know that CHS had made a balanced goat mineral mix but had been using the CHS (Payback) sheep mix for his goats and sheep but was happy to see it. He has been to a number of CHS seminars and confirmed that the amino acid complex bases where outstanding. Its in fact CHSs calm to fame as on of the very few companies that broke away from the sulfate and oxide based minerals. They scientifically set out to make better mineral mixes that are actually effective.

Well after showing him the label (links above) he informed us we didnt need to use the Multimin90 shots because the amino based minerals are so well absorbed. We will still keep up with the twice a year bo-se shots as mixes all use the same non organic selenium base and this mineral mix only has 1/3 of our old premix. So kinda exciting to have Matt confirm that this is really a good mix. I have had out two, 3 gallon buckets of minerals out. One of our old premix and one of this CHS brand. I wanted to see if the animals would naturally prefer the mix that works better. And they do! There is maybe 2 or 3 inches of the old mix gone. But the new mix is nearly half gone already. So either their bodies are telling them its better or they enjoy the flavor better. Or maybe both. I tried them both (I always try everything I expect the goats to consume) and they both tasted about the same.

So I will be updated my website with links to this mineral mix. Just wanted to swing by and tell my fellow pack goat peeps, this is indeed a great mix and if you can find it in your area, its well worth it. Dealer locator link also above.
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)

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RE: Decent Mineral Mix 16/8 (2:1 ratio) - by Dave-Trinity-Farms - 04-02-2015, 08:08 PM

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