Goat House Advice
Howdy! I'm moving to the high desert at 5,200 feet where it gets pretty cold in the winter, sometimes below zero. I have three horned wethers, and none of them share housing (they're jerks to each other, or rather two of them are). The owner of the property I'll be renting wants me to build them (I hope he can help!) three individual goat houses (so they'll be easy to move). My question is how large? I was thinking - 4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 with insulation and half of the front covered so there's even more wind block. Do you think this would suffice? I feel like if it's insulated, dry and bedded with straw with the back side facing north it should be fairly cozy. Should there be any kind of a gap up top for air to flow? If so, how many inches? These houses will also act as summer shade, although by that time I'll probably have built something bigger for shade (or they can go under the horse shed). Thanks in advance for your input! Cheri

Oh!!! On 2nd thought, I think maybe A-frame houses would be easier to build and maybe harder for them to destroy (I have one who's a demolition expert).
*Saltlick*  Rancho Topaz   
near Topaz Lake, Nevada

Messages In This Thread
Goat House Advice - by Saltlick - 12-08-2014, 10:03 PM
RE: Goat House Advice - by Dave-Trinity-Farms - 12-10-2014, 01:17 AM
RE: Goat House Advice - by Charlie Horse - 12-10-2014, 05:59 PM

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