Box-Death Hollows, Escalante UT 2022
Today is the beginning of the big 2 night expedition!  Since George is only 2, I have to carry half of his load myself on a (shameful) backpack.  Woocstock will only be carrying 4 items:  My mini 3-inch-off-the-ground cot, my Lightfighter cot tent, my stomp-to-inflate air matress, and my Wiggy's sleeping bag.  I've finally come to this kit after a lot of trial and error, but its a luxury that only a goat-packer could enjoy, as all together with the goat packs we're at 27 lbs.  To go super-light I'd use my camping hammock like Nan and Phil were using.

So we headed down to the Escalante river.


I'd expected a lot of water, and there had been and damage had been done, but by now there was a mere trickle in the river bed.


You very quickly find  yourself surrounded by tall cliffs, and they keep getting taller as you go, to the point they're hundreds of feet high.


Too me its very odd to see a river flow IN to a mountain rather than coming out of the canyon.  Also, for such a dry little creek to have a mighty and deep crack all to itself.


You can see the water had been 5 feet deep in this wide area recently, laying the pants flat and soaking the sand.


Most of this canyon would be considered safe-- Not a slot canyon with no escape if a surprise flash flood came through.

I don't drink beer, but if I did, I'd prefer Dos Equis.  Stay thirsty my friends!

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RE: Box-Death Hollows, Escalante UT 2022 - by Charlie Horse - 10-17-2022, 06:42 AM

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