Box-Death Hollows, Escalante UT 2022
And now (drum roll) the COSMIC ASH TRAY!

At the top of this stone hill, through this small, smooth saddle we could hear voices.  We knew we had arrived.


I didn't know what to expect.  So here's how I'd describe the COSMIC ASH TRAY.  Its like a volcano-- a big hole scooped out of the top of a mountain.  The sides of the hole are vertical except for the saddle area, which is still so steep we knew we'd have a hard time climbing out, not to mention the goats.  The inside is filled with colorful sand and there's a giant stone... Phil thinks it may be an alien skull, free-standing in the middle of the sand.  I can see a way that some water can flow in, but there's no way out.  I've got no clue how something like this could form naturally.  That leaves only one answer to this geological impossibility....







The people that were down in the sand had a rope to help them escape.  Otherwise, I think I'd have called this "The People Catcher"
I don't drink beer, but if I did, I'd prefer Dos Equis.  Stay thirsty my friends!

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RE: Box-Death Hollows, Escalante UT 2022 - by Charlie Horse - 10-12-2022, 06:15 AM

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