Winter Conditioning?
So I live in a snowy region, and I am wondering how folks living in snowy and icy regions keep their goats in shape over the winter months?  The nearest relatively snow free trail area to me is full of dogs all winter, so taking the goats their to jog/fast walk is likely more trouble than it is worth.   

The road near my place is typically icy, and busy enough with traffic to be a poor option.   

I have acreage that I could potentially maintain a relatively clear trail on if I had to.  But being on the north side of the mountain, snow comes and it stays.    I would love to hear how other people deal with snow and ice, and keep their goats active during the winter months.

Thanks for any feedback or ideas.

Messages In This Thread
Winter Conditioning? - by Lindy - 08-08-2021, 06:42 PM
RE: Winter Conditioning? - by Nanno - 08-09-2021, 02:00 PM

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