8th Annual Hassey "Goat Vacation" - Utah!
Get ready for WAY too many photos! It was our last day and we wanted to go somewhere awesome. We remembered Bighorn Canyon from our trip in 2015 and we wanted to return with goats that could go further than old Cuzco had been able to do. The patterns, swirls, and colors in this canyon are incredible and it's hard not to take photos of everything

We passed the big stone beehives which I remembered from our previous trip. I longed to climb this hill of stone and take a closer look at the nifty little hoodoo at the top, but it was very steep and I chickened this time like I did back then. 

Still, this is such an enticing little cherry on top! 

We hiked past Bighorn Canyon to see some sights further along the wash. I love this bacon rock! 

We discovered some perfect little seats in the rock wall. This one even looks like it has a person icon in the background.

The goats checked out the other cubbies and nibbled the cobwebs growing along the sides. I'm not sure why goats like to eat cobwebs. 

"Finn, stop photo-bombing!" 

An indentation in the rock looked like an enormous sarcophagus. When I stood back far enough to capture the whole thing the photo didn't come out good, so I took a close-up of Phil playing dead and got the magnificent swirls in the stone instead of the coffin shape. 

I climbed up this swirly rock and found a really nice pothole up there. It was dry and looked like it would be easy to get stuck in it if you were dumb enough to climb into it. Thankfully me and the goats weren't dumb enough to climb into it. 

Sputnik recovered nicely from his Death Hollow trek and was climbing and jumping all over the place. 

Finn didn't want to jump down the easy way like Sputnik did... No, he had to show off by climbing as far as he could along an impossibly narrow ledge a few feet above the canyon floor. 

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RE: 8th Annual Hassey "Goat Vacation" - Utah! - by Nanno - 11-02-2019, 11:27 AM

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