GROUP HIKE! -- One Week In The San Rafael Swell
Here are me and Phil's photos of the first day on the Morrison Formation. 
Starting out... 

While most of us avoided any steep terrain, Phil and Eldon took a detour and scaled this high, rocky ridge. Naturally their goats followed faithfully behind. A climb like this is nothing to a nimble goat!  

Ahh... the top at last!

Eldon and the boys taking in the view. 

We're all still heartbroken about Pac-Man, but Eldon's new little goats, Elliot and Hobbes, are fantastic little buddies and seem to love their packgoat life. They certainly love Eldon! 

And here are the rest of us who were not ambitious enough to climb the ridge. 

At some point, Robert and Connie’s young packgoats got confused. They didn’t like the two dogs that accompanied us, and they were also afraid of the big packgoats with horns. Phil and Eldon and their goats had gone one direction while the rest of the group went the other. I’m not sure Sprite and Blackie knew which way their own people had gone, so they set off on their own!

Sprite and Blackie disappeared up the ridge where Phil and Eldon had gone, but by then Phil and Eldon had circled back down and rejoined the rest of the group. No one was around, so Sprite and Blackie kept right on climbing! They disappeared over a high, distant ridge line so Phil and Herb went on a recovery mission. They found the two errant goats at the highest point they could reach, stopped at the edge of a cliff. Robert and Connie did not let them off-lead after that little adventure!

While up top, Phil and Herb found a partially exposed dinosaur skeleton. If you look carefully you can see traces of it in the soil. Herb plans to go back and do some more exploring. 

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RE: GROUP HIKE! -- One Week In The San Rafael Swell - by Nanno - 10-06-2019, 01:56 PM

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