Transporting Goats in Truck-Hot Weather
Thank you, and great suggestions - our current horse trailer is white with those roof vents and we have hauled the horses in hot weather and they seemed fine.  Not sure I've seen the vents in a camper shell but I will use my google-fu to check out the possibility!

Would definitely be making a stop on a long trip like that and have done so already with the goats last month - walked them in the pet area of a freeway rest stop - did not get any stares which surprised me a bit!

My dream vehicle would be a 4x4 van with A/C for both us and the goats but the other half says no  Sad

Messages In This Thread
Transporting Goats in Truck-Hot Weather - by Kat - 04-11-2017, 07:39 AM
RE: Transporting Goats in Truck-Hot Weather - by Kat - 04-11-2017, 11:22 AM

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