Charlie Horse's 2017 Picture Thread
Easter Hike 2017.  3:40 including a rest in the shade.  Mission:  Explore new areas that may or may not be off limits because its Easter and nobody is around.  Search for lost mini goat that had been seen on one of the plateaus.

A more obscure wash that seems rarely visited.

Oh.  This is why...  A dead end.  There's no way up this!

(In a GPS voice) Recalculating.  New path found.  Backtrack 50 yards and turn "up".

Looking down now that we're already on the plateau that the lost goat was supposedly seen on.

Shelby up on the plateau, looking S SW.

This is about as close to the edge as I want to go with the goats around.  I turned back and guess what... the goats didn't.  They hung out near the edge to get a better view and ignored me till I was 60 yards away.

Started down the wash on the other side of the plateau.  Its pure white with alkali.

Emerging from the narrows.

Victoria oblivious to the awesome rock formations in this place.  Actually you could drive here in a few minutes and its kinda hidden away from any sign of civilization.  Good camping spot because you're not far from town but it feels like its in the deepest desert.

Summary:  No sign of a mini goat, though I didn't go to the other spur on the plateau.  I saw a ton of deer over there and didnt' want to trap them or pressure them to leap to their deaths (Like the would).   I found some great paths and assuming the goats can cross a log over a canal, perhaps a short cut.

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RE: Charlie Horse's 2017 Picture Thread - by Charlie Horse - 04-16-2017, 04:24 PM

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