2017 NAPgA Rendezvous in Lake City, CO - June 15-18
Many thanks to Kate (a.k.a. "DownUnderGal") for letting me use her photos to make my posts. I slacked off and didn't take one photo all week! 

Phil and I picked Kate up at the airport in Colorado Springs the weekend before the Rendy and on Monday we loaded up and headed over to Lake City. We rented a small cabin and spent a couple of days enjoying the picturesque little town and visiting old friends that I grew up with there. 


Our goats cut quite a shine in my hometown as we walked them through the park, drove them with their wagon down the streets, and chauffeured them to the market in the bed of our pickup.   



We originally planned to bring only Finn and Sputnik to the Rendy, but Tigerlily was still recovering from the trauma of losing her first kid and the mastitis that followed afterward. She needed to be milked 2-3 times a day and my milking help at home could only come in the morning, so we brought Tigerlily with us. I felt that the change of scenery would do her good, and it did. She also got quite a lot of sympathy from two sweet girls we met in the park.  

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RE: 2017 NAPgA Rendezvous in Lake City, CO - June 15-18 - by Nanno - 06-24-2017, 04:29 PM

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