Archery Hunting with Goats *Clearly I need Help*
You might not be able to get all 4 from the same breeder, but you might be able to find 4 goat's that are 3+ years old off of craigslist, they probably won't be started persay, if you get goat's that are handled/lead around once in a while they should make ok packers, most likely won't be in shape, so you will have too take it easy with them, maybe take a month or so to get them in shape for hauling loads, most older goats you can get for $150+ each, at least around here, some are bucks, some are wethers, and some are doe's. The packs are hard to find used for much cheaper than you can buy them and they go pretty fast, just need to look everyday, morning and night and find the best deals, I buy all my packers as left over's from the spring or oopsy goat's, I generally get them for those wethers for $50 a piece, my 3 I have less than $600 in them other than winter feed and that's not much, its the 3 year wait that sucks! just picked up 2 more prospects a couple weeks ago, got a sainnen wether for $60 and a ober/alpine for $50 both are great and my kids get to bottle feed them, I try to pick up 1 every year to keep my herd young. Good luck

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RE: Archery Hunting with Goats *Clearly I need Help* - by Duck-Slayer - 10-06-2016, 09:06 AM

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