CL Vaccination - Thoughts and experiences
Second round of goats, first vaccine administered on May 4th:
(All goats were vaccinated high on the neck, almost behind the ears.)

Pac-Man: Two-year-old 3/4 Nubian, 1/4 Alpine wether. No reaction for almost a week, and now eight days later he has a wide, flat, hardened area over the muscle behind the left ear. It is not visible but can be felt. Doesn't seem to bother him.

Huck Finn: Yearling 1/2 Alpine, 1/2 Nubian wether. A knot has slowly grown at the vaccination site and is now visible from a pretty good distance. However, he's very sleek and short-haired. The lump probably wouldn't show on a goat with a more typical hair coat. It's sore if I poke it but otherwise isn't bothering him.

Sputnik: Yearling 5/8 Nubian, 3/8 Alpine wether. Similar bump to Finn's, only you can't see it because he's hairy.

Nubbin: Two-year-old 1/2 Alpine, 1/2 Nubian doe, kidded four days prior to vaccination. Hardly any lump at all. Just the tiniest little knot and she doesn't mind when I poke at it.

Cuzco: 13-year-old 1/2 Alpine, 1/2 Nubian wether. Vaccinated on May 4th, but accidentally pushed the needle all the way through and out the other side. Waited a week to watch for reactions in case any vaccine got under the skin. It did not, so I vaccinated him properly on May 11th. Next morning he had a nice egg-shaped lump on his neck and was having difficulty reaching his grain bucket when I put it on the floor. I had to hold it up for him because he was obviously a little bit sore. The lump is not currently visible but can easily be felt, and the soreness is not enough to keep this old guy from his appetite. He patrolled the property and grazed all day.

Will update again as things progress.

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RE: CL Vaccination - Thoughts and experiences - by Nanno - 05-12-2015, 09:31 PM

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