CL Vaccination - Thoughts and experiences
Ugh... Finn and Delilah got some nasty abscesses from their second shots. Delilah's started out as a hematoma just above the injection site swelling (I think she was rubbing the spot and caused the blood blister). I lanced it and never got anything but blood out. I kept it open for a few days, but I eventually let it close since I never got very much fluid out and the procedure was making her hate me. The thing seemed to go down for a few days and I thought it might get absorbed. But a day or two ago I noticed it growing again. I didn't have time to lance it with family in town, so I let it be. Tonight when we came home I saw her laying by herself and when I went to check on her I noticed the knot was huge and had stuff leaking. I gave it a light poke and it blew up all over my hand. I took her back to the house and drained about four tons of pus out of that wound. I flushed with iodine solution and I hope she feels a lot better in the morning. She must have a massive cavern in her neck where that thing was!

Finn didn't have too big an abscess and I figured it wouldn't need to be drained, but he rubbed it on stuff and burst it, leaving a pretty big hole in his neck. I've been squeezing it out and flushing it with iodine solution for a few days. It looks pretty gross right now just because the wound is so big (about the size of a nickel) and keeps oozing yellow pus.

Most of the other goats are doing well with the shots so far. Sputnik's abscess disappeared after I drained it just the one time. He's still got a lump where the booster went and he doesn't like me any more--what a drama queen! All the other goats' lumps are going away. Cuzco has taken these shots like he takes everything: very resiliently. He has a small lump from the first shot and nothing yet from the booster. Nubbin has had almost no reaction at all, but I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop with Jezebel. She got her first shot almost two weeks ago, and I'm worried because she hasn't shown one sign of reaction yet--which is exactly how Delilah started. It took her almost two weeks before her neck suddenly swelled and hardened on the one side, and Jezebel is now at almost two weeks. We'll see what happens. It seems that with a few of the goats, their original lump was going away when I gave the booster, and then it got big and painful again after the second shot. I really hate these delayed reactions. If they're going to react, I wish it would start right away so I didn't have to spend two weeks checking and fearing the worst, and then spend the next two weeks dealing with whatever "the worst" is.

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RE: CL Vaccination - Thoughts and experiences - by Nanno - 05-28-2015, 10:36 PM

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