Goat Diaries Blog by Alexandra Kurland
Thanks Nancy! We've had a lot of fun with this trick.

We didn't practice much during the last couple of weeks because we were busy and I was sick, but yesterday Phil and I took the boys for a walk near the lake and Phil took a video of Sputnik doing his new trick. He did it really well the first time (excellent work for a goat with no practice!), but he got a little excited the second time around and wanted to lift me before I was ready. I show this in the video. I just kept letting go his horns until he waited for me to tell him to "lift". I plan to work on having him wait longer. I love how he really braces himself and gives me a proper anchor for getting up and down. He's still not so good at lowering me, but he's starting to get it.

I wish I could get videos to imbed like they used to, but for some reason they're not working for me anymore. I'll have to have Phil look into it sometime. In the meantime, here's the link:


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RE: Goat Diaries Blog by Alexandra Kurland - by Nanno - 12-31-2018, 09:50 PM

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