Goat Diaries Blog by Alexandra Kurland
I had Phil film Sputnik's fourth fetching lesson. The third lesson was earlier this afternoon and naturally since no one was filming, it went much better than this one. Sputnik made almost no mistakes in the earlier lesson but made mistakes most of the time in our video. I'm sure part of it was the fact that our first lesson was after our walk and this one was before our second walk of the day, so he was a little distracted by the change in routine. Nevertheless, I think he's coming along very well. I'm eager to get him some better fetch toys than the nasty old rag I'm using. That's probably another reason he kept dropping it--it was still a little wet from the earlier lesson. Eew!! 

I wish I could have left the original sound in place so you could hear my voice commands and clicks, but the wind was blowing too hard to make it audible, so instead you get this ridiculous, annoying soundtrack!   


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RE: Goat Diaries Blog by Alexandra Kurland - by Nanno - 04-30-2018, 09:11 PM

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