2014 NAPgA Rendy
But I DO still want to go because I really want to meet you all!
*Saltlick*  Rancho Topaz   
near Topaz Lake, Nevada
Check around. A local vet did my goats' health certificates for $8 each.
I have a vet coming to talk on Saturday eve about back country first aid for pack goats. I've checked around a bit and haven't located any projects close to camp but I'll keep checking. There is a tree planting project just west of Bend but it would be about 45 minutes from camp plus going through the middle of downtown Bend to get there. My goats would try to eat the baby trees-could be problematic!
So what happens with the auction I've read about? Is there someone who normally handles it or will I need to find someone?
Any ideas how many tables to round up for the potluck? Central Oregon Goat Association probably has several amongst the members, I just need to know an approximate number. There's plenty more to do on my end, so if anyone has suggestions or ideas just let me know.
Charlene in Central Orego
OK peeps here is the deal on health certificates and what the vets need to do and why they should be at a reasonable price AND if you dont wanna do em.

First off, Oregon is a retarded state when it comes to health certificates as they require a permit number to be attached to the certificate. A certificate is good for 30 days. But Oregon only gives 15 days on the permit. So what does this mean? It means you have to get the certificate done no more then 15 days before the ending day you plan to have your animals in Oregon. This would cover your animals if someone asked to see their certificate during your stay. Though certificates are actually meant to cover you as you enter the state. So technically you could get away with 15 days before the day you enter Oregon and you would still be fine. So if you intend to have a certificate, it might be best to have it done on June 15th at the earliest to cover you all the way to the end of the rendy.

Next is what is a general health certificate and what does a vet do to check your animals and issue you one? All a vet has to do is do a VISUAL inspection of the animal needing a certificate. As long as there is no obvious sign of disease or infection or open sores, you animal would pass the inspection and be issued a general health certificate. Nanno has the price about right. A vet who wants to charge more then 10 dollars per goat for the check and to fill out the paperwork, is extorting you. We sent a shipment of 35 animals to California last year and Matt the vet only charged 100.00 for the check/paperwork and 25.00 for the farm call. So if you are not using a livestock vet, might look into others in your area. Feed stores will typically have good info on vets in the area. Gotta remember most livestock vets are mobile vets who dont have a place of work or even a phone number in the phone book. You can also do a craigslist ad asking if anyone knows of some livestock vets in your area. (((NOTE))) if you dont want an ear tag put into your animals ear, you will either need to have them tattooed OR micro chipped. So that information can be put onto the health certificate. This is so if someone is checking your animals, they can match the ID ear tag, tattoo or chip from the paper work to the animal.

Lastly, what if you dont what to get a health certificate? Then dont. Ill have to double check this tomorrow but at worst, they send you and your goats home or to a locale vet to get one. But this would require someone with the authority to happen to show up at the rendy and ask to see a certificate for your animals. Most if not nearly all Fish and Game officers would have no idea that a certificate would even be require to enter the state. Its just not something they deal with and isnt apart of their job. Oregon borders are not policed and there are no mandatory check points like there is at some places in say, California. We used to show goats in Oregon server times a year and getting a health certificate never even crossed ours or any of the other exhibitors minds for that matter. We also attend nationals when its within reason and again, no thought to a health certificate. In fact, most of the larger ADGA show herds who travel all across the country dont have them and its never been an issue. Anyone with the power or the want to see a certificate just isnt around.

So here is what I suggest. Contact some livestock vets. If you can find one that will do it at a decent price, do it. As you will be hauling them to the rendy, you should have the means to haul them into the vet OR if mobile go ahead and have him come out. Farm calls are almost always under 50.00. Get the general VISUAL inspection, get your certificate. If you dont want to spend the money on chips, check to see if the vet can do tattoos OR if you have a friend who can do em, do em a month or more before the rendy so they are healed and readable. No idea what a vet would charge but under 10.00 per would sound about right. Dont bother with the ear tags, being that close to the time of the rendy they will still be sore to the touch.
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
We all have to do what we feel is right for goats. I could never live with myself if my goats got loose and did not have ID on them. Maybe its because we live on the edge of a good size town where people would call me or return them if they know how to contact me. I hike alone a lot with my goats. What if something happened to me. The man who lost his goats in the Crazy Mountains last September would have been alot better off had he put some ID on his goats. Very fortunately he contacted me and the "goat finder" posted a note on the old Packgoat Forum. With the description of the surviving goat I was able to bring these to men together. For me, I feel like it is my resonsibility to put ID on my animals so I can sleep better.
Totally agree Nancy. In fact starting this year, all our prospects will now be tattooed before they leave the property. Not only will this make it easier for their new owners for future trips outta state but will ensure that if sometime in the future, they can be identified as our stock. The chips would be pretty cool if cheaper and have never had any like for ear tags.

Would also like some more information on whats required of us to bring to the rendy. I believe I read that hay and animal water would be available to buy but a full read out somewhere would be great. Maybe on the NAPgA site? Any fees that will need to be paid (required or optional). Also asked was what if any events are going to take place. Not that many if any events are needed other then getting out on the trails, chatting with friends and fellows either out on the trail or around the camp fire with a few white russians >Smile Love the vet and pot luck ideas. It doesnt really need to be a very detailed read out. I know for me, every minute not spent doing something with you all, will see Legion and I belly deep in the locale waters fishing Smile
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
I will get a health certificate on mine if they come. I like both tatoos and chips, no arguing with them. I do alsp like the idea of a tag on the collar giving my name, phone number and address.

I am looking forward to the vendors offerings, its a good time to meet them, and get the right size packs for the size goat you have there.

And lastly to meet the folks here who make this all work and put faces on the names. Its a long ways from MI but making the necessary plans. Needs to be.


Mikado, MI
Bring a fishing pole! Smile
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
In 2011 we had a "bonded goat contest". Goats line up at around 50 yards away from the handler. All goat handlers lined up. The goats were cut loose and the 1st goat to reach its handler won the contest. We won fun things like goat milk chap stix and goat milk soap. The other contest I liked was the "fastest packer". This was a timed event where you had to take a bare back goat put a saddle on him run a short distance to a pile of crazy stuff you had to pack on your goat quickly and run back to the starting line. Maybe I'm easily entertained but it was fun. Rex brought a big scale to the event and we weighed and measured alot of goats. It's a little impractical but it was a lot of fun. We also had a hoove triming class and a saddle fitting class.
I would like a to do some sort of class or poster to identify different plants. Last autum I started taking pictures of plants my goats were eating. Lots of the plants were unknown to me. I thought I would post them on the forum maybe I'll print them and bring them with me.
Wow I really like the sound of all of those. Would be handy to know exactly how to put a saddle on as well Smile
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)

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