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    Thread: 2 Three year old does AND 2 doelings for sale.
Post: RE: 2 Three year old does AND 2 doelings for sale.

Well howdy! It has been a LONG time :)
Dave-Trinity-Farms Classifieds 2 2,593 06-04-2022, 09:31 PM
    Thread: 2 Three year old does AND 2 doelings for sale.
Post: 2 Three year old does AND 2 doelings for sale.

Howdy all! Long time no chat. :) I have 2 three year old dis budded for sale. They are both non breeders. One never settles and the other has been bred but freshened both times with mastitis. So se...
Dave-Trinity-Farms Classifieds 2 2,593 06-03-2022, 07:59 AM
    Thread: Prospects in Utah
Post: RE: Prospects in Utah

I call mine prospects because until they leave my property, I am always evaluating them. Nancy has it right though. A good breeder will be able to see the potential in a baby pretty much the moment it...
Dave-Trinity-Farms Classifieds 4 8,823 04-13-2018, 06:14 AM
    Thread: Mineral deficiency? Or is it toxicity?
Post: RE: Mineral deficiency? Or is it toxicity?

The thing with doing blood mineral tests is that they only are able to tell you the mineral levels of the animal at that particular time. As seasons, water and feed change, even day to day, so do thei...
Dave-Trinity-Farms Health and Wellness 15 29,987 03-03-2018, 07:40 AM
    Thread: Sopris Rookie Lite vs. Mark Warnke Kid Trainer
Post: RE: Sopris Rookie Lite vs. Mark Warnke Kid Trainer

You can always go with a dog pack as well. Guessing it would fit pretty good.
Dave-Trinity-Farms Equipment & Techniques for the Trail 4 9,195 02-10-2018, 07:56 PM
    Thread: Charlie Horse's 2018 Picture Thread
Post: RE: Charlie Horse's 2018 Picture Thread

I really like that muncher! Beautiful goat. Solid.
Dave-Trinity-Farms Tales from the Trail 62 100,472 02-10-2018, 07:54 PM
    Thread: What did you do today?
Post: RE: What did you do today?

Got the mucking completely done BEFORE we started kidding this year. Thats well ahead of the curve vs. most years. Barn is clean. Just need to scrub the baby pens and get their lambars set to go. The ...
Dave-Trinity-Farms The Campfire 1,402 3,031,154 02-10-2018, 07:45 PM
    Thread: Well, They used to walk nicely.
Post: RE: Well, They used to walk nicely.

Are the goats that are fighting penned separately? Good ideas above.
Dave-Trinity-Farms Training at Home and On the Trail 8 15,150 02-04-2018, 09:04 AM
    Thread: Goat-O-Rama Kids of 2018
Post: RE: Goat-O-Rama Kids of 2018

YAY FOR BABIES!!! Dem is so cutie!!! Lucky you dont live close by :) Grats on a safe delivery!
Dave-Trinity-Farms G.O.A.T. 135 233,764 02-04-2018, 09:02 AM
    Thread: What did you do today?
Post: RE: What did you do today?

Guessing they were licking it cause of the salt on the roads? Might be a good idea to get them a bag of salt :)
Dave-Trinity-Farms The Campfire 1,402 3,031,154 02-04-2018, 08:58 AM
    Thread: Collars and horns?
Post: RE: Collars and horns?

If you want collars on at home, I suggest using the plastic chain you can get from say home depot. They are strong enough to be used but the little connecting links are pliable and can be pulled part ...
Dave-Trinity-Farms Goats at Home 8 15,648 01-21-2018, 09:07 AM
    Thread: 2018 Cascade Packgoat Club Campout
Post: RE: 2018 Cascade Packgoat Club Campout

Right in the middle of my early archery :(
Dave-Trinity-Farms News and Events 16 28,364 01-21-2018, 09:05 AM
    Thread: IOS alpine pack goats
Post: RE: IOS alpine pack goats

Sorry to hear about the dog attack... I hope you made the owners pay heavily for their mistake. The farm I started out on had several dog attacks over the years and they are devastating
Dave-Trinity-Farms Classifieds 6 12,523 01-12-2018, 11:46 PM
    Thread: is this goat poop normal?
Post: RE: is this goat poop normal?

Goat poop can fluctuate depending upon what they have ate. If they get a little extra of something one day, it can throw their poo off for a day or two. The best thing to do is just watch. If it retur...
Dave-Trinity-Farms Health and Wellness 5 15,988 11-17-2017, 10:23 AM
    Thread: Packing pedigree
Post: RE: Packing pedigree

Pack goating is relatively new. 95% of all the pack goats you see today are the result of dairy breedings. Very few people, breed specifically for pack goats. Thats the way it is here. Granted, one of...
Dave-Trinity-Farms Classifieds 4 8,547 11-17-2017, 10:19 AM
    Thread: Project Goat WA
Post: RE: Project Goat WA

Talked to Tracy, and she again jarred my memory. They took him before he was weaned. Which would also account for him being on the smaller size if they didnt keep him on the bottle or feed him right. ...
Dave-Trinity-Farms Classifieds 27 50,716 11-17-2017, 10:11 AM
    Thread: Project Goat WA
Post: RE: Project Goat WA

Sorry, had not come back to this thread in awhile. Great to hear you picked him up Mike and that he wasnt nearly as bad as the lady said. I figured it was more of the boy being let to be the dominate ...
Dave-Trinity-Farms Classifieds 27 50,716 11-17-2017, 10:04 AM
    Thread: Young Packers for sale
Post: RE: Young Packers for sale

Hey Mike, shoot me a text and I will pass along her number to you. She is super busy all the time. It might be awhile before she is able to check this site
Dave-Trinity-Farms Classifieds 5 10,870 10-26-2017, 08:06 AM
    Thread: Goat-O-Rama Kids of 2017
Post: RE: Goat-O-Rama Kids of 2017

If its a must know kinda situation, you can send in blood samples to ADGA and they will DNA test the father...(s) :)
Dave-Trinity-Farms G.O.A.T. 107 210,667 10-18-2017, 07:23 AM
    Thread: Goat breeder's
Post: RE: Goat breeder's

Thanks Perry. And I actually have better dog/goats then Charlie's offering. Mine have all their teef! :) We dont do any crosses other then a Togg/Alpine cross. Which if we could ever get rid of th...
Dave-Trinity-Farms The Campfire 8 14,119 09-22-2017, 08:53 AM