(Esteemed Member)

Registration Date: 09-03-2016
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-09-2024 at 10:37 PM
Status: Offline

MosesBrowning's Forum Info
Joined: 09-03-2016
Last Visit: 09-01-2017, 09:54 PM
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Additional Info About MosesBrowning
Location: Montana
Bio: Slightly nutty, outdoorsy gal who drinks too much coffee, reads lots of books, plays with guns, drives large trucks, & works on a cattle ranch.
Your Goats: Eugene is a Boer/Alpine yearling wether, & is a sweetheart. I swear, he thinks he's part lap dog. He's doing really well carrying his empty pack saddle occasionally, is getting better with leash manners, & enjoys hiking & jumping on rock formations. =)

Lenina is a Boer/LaMancha doeling, about 5 months old, bottle raised & really well bonded to me. She has learned to walk well on the lead, & has just started occasionally carrying a small, empty dog backpack on short walks.

They both enjoy the company of their dogs, cats, horses, cattle, human, & poultry.

MosesBrowning's Signature
Have a nice day, & hug your goats often!   Heart