Anyone ever heard of a Saanen Oberhasli cross
Hey Guy,
Trying to do a little research for my daughter.  She has been really wantingvto get a kid goat but she put a few requirments on it.  She wants a big goat that is supr chill, has smallish horns, and is soft and fuzzy.  My Ober is very soft and fuzzier than my Alpines, his horns are alot smaller and he is pritty chill.  I did a little reading about Saanens and they are suppost to be pritty chilked out also.  I think  can control some of the horn growth throw weathering.

Anyone have any ideas or suggestion about finding one of these crosses or any better suggestions for a better bread of goat.

Thanks Guys!!!

Messages In This Thread
Anyone ever heard of a Saanen Oberhasli cross - by Mike - 01-14-2018, 10:43 PM

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