Pack Goat Central

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Did you ever just "know" when you first saw a certain goat that "This is the One?" A goat you fell in love with at first sight who later became a very special friend?

Cuzco, of course, is one of those special goats. Before we got Cuzco, Phil and I had looked at several goats for sale and none of them left an impression. We weren't even looking for goats when we drove past a farm where I glanced over and saw a tiny bright splash of color contrasting sharply against a green field and a herd of more ordinary-looking goats.

"DID YOU SEE THAT GOAT????" I hollered at Phil. He hadn't, and I think I about scared the pants off him as I slammed the brakes so hard I left tire tracks in the road. I pulled a 180 in the highway and almost got us into a wreck, but I was determined to find out more about that little spotted goat! He turned out to the be the best $25 we've ever spent.

For Phil, Finn is one of those special goats. The moment that little black and white face looked up at him, Phil decided he was a keeper. Finn was the first baby Phil helped deliver, and the two of them formed quite a bond over the summer. I have a feeling we're in for some wonderful days ahead with that beautiful fellow. I think he and Phil are going to become best friends this summer.

Do you have "One" who holds an extra special place in your heart? One you knew was significant the moment you laid eyes on him (or her)? I'd love to hear your stories!
Has happened twice. My first goat. She was just a few hours old when I first saw her. A purdy little Nubian doeling. It was my second week working on the goat farm. She was born while we were at the sales to a CAE positive dam. She had already nursed by the time we got back and the farm owner was bummed cause she wouldnt be kept as a result of it. Instead she would be sold for meat. I instantly killed that idea and took her home the following day. She lived in the house with me and wore a diaper the first few weeks until I trained her to do her business outside. That takes dedication as we all know how often goats like to do business Smile She would take showers with me cause she would rather get wet then wait outside the shower and not be able to see me. She slept in my bed and road around in the passenger seat of my Fiero everywhere I went. She would go to work with me at the goat farm everyday. At about 5 months of age I fixed up the back yard. Built a shelter and pen and brought over a few other babies to live with her. She lived just 7 years before the CAE got bad enough I had to put her down.

I have had a good number of goats that I have loved over the years, but your first is always the best Smile

The other notable love at first site was Legion. I knew he was my first pack goat right off but being born a week early and having his ribs on one side all broken and seeing him stand up and drink from a bottle on the first try inspite of that, I was instantly won over.