Pack Goat Central

Full Version: Mike Row'e show "Sombody's Gotta Do IT"
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No TV?!?!? How are you suppose to keep current with whats happening in the Walking Dead? Smile
We have Netflix, and lots of shows go on there after they're about a year old. But I couldn't get past the first couple episodes of "Walking Dead". I didn't like the characters, and and the zombies would have been funny in a comedy (a la "Pirates of the Caribbean"), but since the show wasn't a comedy and the main characters didn't get eaten soon enough I got bored and gave up. It's kind of hard to feel urgency and suspense when you just want all the main characters to die. That's why I gave up on "Lost" and "24" too. And while Phil enjoys the "Batman" movies, I always end up wishing about halfway through that Batman would fail so Gotham City could be out of its misery. Tongue

I'm always up for a good goat program though!

Speaking of which, has anyone seen these?

They can't leave goat at the farm!

My son's Boer goat does are due any day now. This makes me want to keep one!
Um. Dudes. Thats a MEAT GOAT FARM!
Oh, Charlie Horse, NO! Not little Goat! I'm sure they'll go back and rescue him!
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