Pack Goat Central

Full Version: 4 experienced pack goats 3yo
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I have 4 Warnke pack goats. Two alpines 3yo, 1 lamancha 3yo, and 1 alpine lamancha cross 3yo. I have 2 homemade packs and usually hike em with 20lbs but have gone as high as 30lbs. They have about 50-75miles with some smaller water crossings over then. They mostly jump the water but have walked across a few shallow wide ones. And have practiced on a few back high water crossings as well. I haven’t packed any meat with them. Just gear and weight. All great goats and I hate to part with em but my life situation just changed and my option to house them will be an hour from me. I’m asking $500 each and I’ll throw in the homemade packs and saddles with em. Im going to continue to use them till the sell . Located in great falls MT. Delivery negotiable [attachment=9438][attachment=9444][attachment=9443][attachment=9442][attachment=9441][attachment=9440][attachment=9439]
Now those are some handsome goats!